Privacy Policy

So here it is, in plain language, the Privacy Policy of Mindless Dreck

This is MY website. Much like walking into a restaurant or private residence, you have no privacy here.

For security reasons, your IP address and activity are automatically logged using various technologies. If you comment or submit a form on this website, you are authorizing me to do whatever I like with that information at my discretion. Generally speaking I don’t actually do anything with that information, except perhaps see what people are reading, how popular my website is, or how people are accessing my website. But you gave that information to me freely by accessing my website, so I’ll do whatever I please with it.

If you don’t like it, or the laws of your country prohibit that kind of activity, do not access this website.

I will not honor any request to provide logged or submitted information, nor to remove any information unless directed to do so under the laws of the United States or the State of Texas, and only under court order.